
I’ve been searching for a devotional book for working mothers.  I found several self-help books and a few devotional books, but nothing that jumped out at me.  I did a library search and very few choices emerged.  We supposedly live in a modern world.  Why are there very few devotional books for working mothers?  During my search, a disturbing fact appeared over and over again.  It seems when you search for a devotional book about motherhood you are directed to books that deal with depression, anger and self-medication.  This was a sad find that angered me, so I poured myself a glass of wine.  The search also conquered up the debate about putting kids first or moms making themselves happy first…yada, yada, yada.  I needed one more glass of wine.

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25

Where is the support for working mothers?  I want to say you can find it in the church but the MOPS groups only meet during the weekday, when I’m working.  I guess we have chat boards but I find those depressing and nothing more than an arena for constant complaining about spouses and children.  Then I think, “How would I even have time?”

Time…it seems I just go through the same emotionless routine every day.  Get up, get ready, get kids ready, drop-off kids, go to work, stop at the grocery store, pick up kids, deal with initial chaos upon entering the house, eat, bath, books, bed.  Then start over the next day.  I’ve become a robot.  I feel like a punching bag, ATM, and a tired old lady all rolled-up into one.  I am a very unappreciative human being.  Yes, I do believe I have stated this before but it’s a hole I slowly dig myself into when I fall away from my faith.  The more I wish for a bigger house and more money, the further drift away from God.

And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy. But these have no root; they believe for a while, and in time of testing fall away.  Luke 8:13

Faith keeps me grounded.  It keeps me from opening the door to a self-pity party.  Faith is like the roots of a tree.  If you tend to the tree the roots will grow strong and the tree will sway when the wind fiercely blows.  If you neglect the tree, the roots weaken and when the wind blows the tree falls.  You need to keep feeding your faith by going to church, prayer and devotion.

Another ingredient to growing your faith and maintaining a peaceful mind is friendship.  Society paints a picture of the perfect working mom – fearless, a supermodel, cook, wife, homemaker, housekeeper, smart, caring, etc.  How foolish we are to forget about our friendships and how much women need them!  Once you drop the idea of being perfect – you never will be – you can open up and depend on your friends.  Make it a point to nourish these relationships.  Women need other women in order to stay sane!  You’ll be amazed of how much you have in common once you drop the curtain of perfectionism.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Make the time to spend with friends!  Once a week or once a month, make some time.  Leave the kids with dad for a few hours, call grandma or hire a babysitter.  Then go grab a latte with you bestie, or drink some wine with your circle of moms, or go resale shopping with your cousins.  Be sure to carve out some “girl-time.”  It’s therapy for your mind and soul.


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